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Virtual Reality: FlyInside Flight Simulator released

Until now FlyInside was only known for its Virtual Reality plugin, which can be used together with FSX, Prepar3D or X-Plane. But now the software company has released its own Flight Simulator: The FlyInside Flight Simulator (FFS). Currently the project is still in the beta phase, but the...
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Extensive update for Outerra: Anteworld now with buildings!

The Outerra graphics engine of the Slovakian software company of the same name has been attracting attention in the Flight Simulator scene for years, because nobody offers a comparable high quality in terms of terrain representation. Last week the developers released a new version of Anteworld, the Outerra...

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Texture-theft? Drzewiecki Design against FlyDesign!

Post update 19.08.2018, 14:04 UTC: FlyDesign’s Statement added In a Facebook post last night, Stanislaw Drzewiecki accuses FlyDesign’s developers of possibly stealing textures. He said that they have been used it in their scenery of Krakow Airport recently published Prepar3D. The concrete accusation on the part of Drzewiecki...
Tweet about this on TwitterPin on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on Google+Email this to someoneShare on FacebookShare on VkontakteShare on Odnoklassniki Weekly: Issue 9, July 7th

Hello from the newsroom too weekly, our every week’s Flight Simulation News recap. This week with notifications from Aerosoft, Orbx, Just Flight, Aerofly FS, FranceVFR, MagMexico, Carendao, LatinVFR, Tailstrike Design. Furthermore, we have the scandal around the FlightSim Store and Drzewiecki Design’s warnings from buying there. Are...
Tweet about this on TwitterPin on PinterestShare on LinkedInShare on Google+Email this to someoneShare on FacebookShare on VkontakteShare on Odnoklassniki Weekly: Issue 7, June 22th #Weekly enters its seventh round and this time offers news from Aerobask, Orbx, TFDi Design, alpilotx, the German developer Thomas Röhl, Flight Sim Labs and much more. Now find out what was important in the Flight Simulation this week.

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