Next Generation Freeware: 737-700 Ultimate released
The Boeing 737-700 Ultimate has just been released as freeware for X-Plane 11. The commercial aircraft comes with the systems of the popular Boeing 737-800X from ZIBO and also offers completely new textures for the instrument panel. In their changelog, the developers also promise subtle changes to the soundset and minor adjustments to the cockpit. In addition, the textures and PBR reflections on the fuselage are said to have been renewed. The 737-700 Ultimate is available for free download in the Threshold forum.
Almost a year ago the same authors published the Boeing 737-900 (We reported). With their project the developers want to realize an entertaining and realistic Boeing 737NG. In contrast to other providers, however, there are no commercial intentions. Instead, the 737 Ultimate will continue to be available free of charge to all interested parties.
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